I have a confession to make... As a mobile designer, I hate to deal with the carriers and their telecom networks. I wish their networks would operate just like the web - TCP/IP-based communications from top to bottom. Can you imagine how many more mobile applications we'd have if instead of SMS we had email based SMS - just like in Japan? Or SMS over instant messaging? At the end of the day, SMS is just text. Can you count all the different ways to send and receive text on the Internet? Exactly. So why the hell do carriers have this archaic way of sending TEXT MESSAGES? I think I know... Complacency and Control. Regardless of their attitude, the writing is on the wall:
All carriers will become Internet Serice Providers whether they like it or not.
Can you forsee a future where you don't need six to eight weeks to get a shortcode? Or one in which you can just think of all mobile devices as the IP devices they really are? Or a future in which you don't need to get your application "screened" or "approved" by a carrier? How about a world with no aggregators? Screw SMSC and MMS gateways. How about just plain STMP, Jabber servers and $5.99 domain names at GoDaddy?
So when I read people complaining about the iPhone's lack of MMS I say... bring it on. Why stop there? Get rid of SMS too and provide an IP-base way of sending text messaging and watch this industry's innovation explode.
Until then... Way to go Apple, way to go!