UPDATE: Rails 1.0 is available now. Get it here easiliy for OS X and here for Windows.
I tried just about every method to get Rails going on Tiger and nothing worked well. I followed all the other suggestions on other blogs and I was still getting errors. I finally got it working and this is how I did it.
1. Get your Tiger DVD out and install the Xcode tools.
2. Use Arnold's Rails installer for Tiger at:
3. Install the Standard version of MySQL from MySQL AB. I used version 4.1.12 for OS X 10.3. Go to the following link and download the package:
4. If you want MySQL to start automatically every time you boot your machine, install the MySQLStartItem package that's bundled with the MySQL installation.
5. Type the following commands once the MySQL installer is finished:
cd /usr/local/mysql
sudo chown -R mysql data/
sudo echo
sudo ./bin/mysqld_safe &
6. Make sure everything is working ok. Type:
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql test
and you should see something like:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 3 to server version: 4.1.12-standard
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
If you see the message above, MySQL is running and working correctly. Type the following command to exit from the mysql> prompt:
7. You don't want people to messing around with your machine, right? Well, then you should set the password for the root user of MySQL. You do this by typing the following command on a Terminal window:
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root password AGOODPASSWORD
Make AGOODPASSWORD something unique and easy for you to remember.
Once you are done with this step you've completed your MySQL installation. All upcoming steps are Rails specific.
8. Now you need to install the Ruby MySQL bindings. Rails uses this component to communicate with the MySQL database. Open a Terminal window and type:
sudo gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-dir=/usr/local/mysql
9. The last step finished the steps you need in order to use Rails. Now we are going to set up a directory for your application to reside in. The exact location of your application directory is up to you. Some people create their Rails application directory right off the root of their home folder. Below you'll find a few option on where and how to create this directory. Make sure you read this whole step before you proceed to type anything on your Terminal window.
If you want to create your Rails directory off the root of your home folder type:
mkdir ~/whatevernameyouwanttogiveyourapp
and then:
cd ~/whatevernameyouwanttogiveyourapp
rails whatevernameyouwanttogiveyourapp
I personally like to have my Rails applications off the Sites directory. If you want to have your apps there type:
mkdir ~/Sites/whatevernameyouwanttogiveyourapp
cd ~/Sites/whatevernameyouwanttogiveyourapp
rails whatevernameyouwanttogiveyourapp
If you are following the tutorial found in the PDF of the Agile Web Development with Rails type:
mkdir ~/work
and then:
cd ~/work
rails demo
If you want to follow the tutorial using the Sites directory (like I am), then type:
mkdir ~/Sites/work
and then:
cd ~/Sites/work
rails demo
10. Now that you've created your Rails app directory, you should test that it's actually working. On a Terminal window navigate to the directory that you created on the last step. The command you'll type will depend on the option you used during Step 9. Read this entire step before you type anything on your terminal window.
cd ~/whatevernameyouwanttogiveyourapp
cd ~/Sites/whatevernameyouwanttogiveyourapp
or if you are following the tutorial, type:
cd ~/work/demo
or if you are following the tutorial, but your app resides in the Sites folder, then:
cd ~/Sites/work/demo
Once you are in the directory that Rails created on step 9, type:
ruby script/server
11. Test that your application is running by typing the following URL on your favorite browser:
That's it!
Please let me know if you have any questions or if there are changes I need to make to these instructions.